Wednesday, 24 February 2016

ALT Assay Kit
Majority of the ALT assay kits that are available nowadays are said to be sufficient when it comes to 100 odd fluorometric and colorimetric tests. It is always better if these kits can be stored in temperatures of -20 degrees Celsius. These can be used for human beings as well as mice and rats.
Description of ALT Assay Kit
ALT or Alanine Aminotransferase is also referred to as serum glutamic-pyruvic transaminase (SGPT). It is basically an enzyme that is dependent on pyridoxal-phosphates. It has also been described as homodimeric and it plays a catalytic role in the context of transferring amino group to α-ketoglutarate. This is a transfer that can be reversed. In the process of the aforementioned transfer the kit generates glutamate and pyruvate. ALT is normally seen in organs such as serum and liver. However, that does not mean it does not occur in other tissues of a body. When someone suffers an injury, which is hepatocellular in nature, it is not uncommon to see serum ALT levels increase. In fact serum ALT levels can be employed in the role of a market used in the context of liver-related injuries.

How does it work?
The ALT activity assay kit works by creating a procedure that is direct and simple and can be used to measure ALT activity in a body. For this purpose these kits use a wide range of biological samples. It is also known to work in very little time – a quality that has endeared it to many. The tests that this kit provides can be deemed as quick, sensitive, simple, and worth relying upon. In fact the tests are considered to be good enough for activity assay where the rate of throughput activity is on the higher side. These normally come with detection limits of 10 mU for each well. 
How can one determine ALT activity?

One needs to use a coupled enzyme assay in order to determine the ALT activity going on in the body. It normally leads to a colorimetric (570 nm)/ fluorometric (λex = 535/λem = 587 nm) product. This product is always proportional to the amount of pyruvate that has been generated in a body. Each unit of ALT is normally defined as the volume of enzyme that is capable of generating 1.0 μmole of pyruvate each minute. The temperature given in this case is 37 degrees Celsius. Normally ALT activity is measured by physicians and clinicians in order to diagnose how well the liver is functioning.                        

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